County Council proposes legislation for meeting on July 11


The Prince George’s County Council Committee on Public Safety and Fiscal Management (PSFM) will convene on Thursday, July 11, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. in the County Administration Building, Council Committee Meeting Room 2027, 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

July 11th PSFM Committee meeting agenda itemsmembers of public attend meeting of Prince George's County Council committee include the following proposed legislation and interviews:

CR-46-2013 – A Resolution designating the Suitland Development District and providing for and determining certain matters in connection with the establishment of the development district, creating a tax increment fund with respect to the development district and allocating certain property taxes with respect to the development district to be paid over to the tax increment fund.

Interviews for Appointments to the Fire Commission for Prince George’s County:
John R. Alter, Jonathan P. Bigony, Tyrome Taliferro Bodrick, Leslie H. Garrett, William H. King, Randy S. Kuenzli, Julian R. Tucker, Gertie L. Starks and William C. Taylor

CR-62-2013 – A Resolution to amend the Salary Plan for Fire Officials, Salary Schedule F-O, to reflect wage and benefit modifications effective July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

Interviews for Appointments to the Revenue Authority for Prince George’s County:
Michael L. Franklin and Charles W. McFadden

Interviews for Appointments to the Board of Ethics for Prince George’s County:
Cassandra Burckhalter and Anne Magner

CR-68-2013 – A Resolution to amend the Salary Plan, Schedule G, for General Schedule employees effective July 1 2013, through June 30, 2014.

*CR-73-2012 – A Resolution concerning re-entry Council for the purpose of establishing the Re-Entry Council to determine, evaluate, and assess the feasibility of developing a Re-Entry Program in the County to service ex-offenders attempting to re-enter society, and to develop a long-term three prong process that creates a Re-Entry Court, a one-stop shop for re-entry services and job placement.*

*CR-74-2013 – A Resolution concerning Human Trafficking Task Force for the purpose of establishing  the Human Trafficking Task Force to address the issue of Human Trafficking in Prince George’s County, to educate the public about human trafficking, to identify and serve victims of human trafficking and to increase prosecution of traffickers.*

WHAT:              County Council Public Safety and Fiscal Management Committee Meeting

WHO:               Public Safety and Fiscal Management Committee Members
Council Member Karen Toles, Chair
Council Member Mel Franklin, Vice Chair
Council Member Derrick L. Davis
Council Chair Andrea C. Harrison
Council Member Mary A. Lehman

WHEN:             Thursday, July 11, 2013
1:30 p.m.

WHERE:           County Administration Building
Council Committee Meeting Room 2027
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772